How to Make a Strong Value Proposition

A strong value proposition is the reason why someone will click on your page to read more. Writing a strong proposition isn’t easy, mostly because it’s very easy to mistake a value proposition with so many other hooks. It’s not a slogan, it doesn’t help to position your brand. It makes a clear statement about what you offer and how the customer can benefit. It’s one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal, especially if it becomes one of the first things a customer sees. Here are some tips to write a strong value proposition.

Stop Writing for Bots

The first thing you need to know about a strong value proposition is that it has to appeal to humans who can make decisions. That means it’s best to write something clear, concise and full of benefits. You’re not aiming for a statement full of buzzwords, unless that’s what your market will respond to. So it has to use language your audience can relate to. This is also not something that just comes to you inside your office; it’s something you have to see for yourself. Check social media and blog comment sections to see how your audience is talking about your market, and the products you sell.

The Anatomy of a Value Proposition

A good value proposition has a few key components, the first being the headline. The headline should be no more than one sentence, and it should be the punchiest sentence on the page. Below it is your sub-headline. You see these frequently italicized or in a smaller font, and their job is following up with whatever your headline didn’t say. Sub headers are frequently longer than headlines, so use two or three lines and give yourself room to expand on who you are and what you do.

Bullet points are another component frequently utilized, especially in long-form landing pages. They help to sum up the key benefits while a background visual adds depth.

Final Tips

Now that you understand how to build a value proposition, the final step is to write one with clarity. Your statement should be easy to understand, like an elevator pitch. It shouldn’t focus on where you stand in comparison to others and it doesn’t help establish your brand’s authority.

It’s a sales pitch distilled into something that can be read and understood within 5 seconds. If you need to explain it, you’ve already failed. With time and practice, you’ll write incredible value propositions, but everyone starts somewhere.

Bio: Ted Dhanik is the CEO of engage:BDR, a Los Angeles based digital advertising company. Ted Dhanik understands direct marketing, and has worked with digital advertising since the early 2000s. For more information on Ted Dhanik, check out the website for engage:BDR.