Simple Fixes to Save on Utility Bills

When the summer months roll around, many people are thinking of ways to cut back on their utility bills. You can find hundreds in savings when you walk your home, if you know what to look for. Here are some tips to help you save with simple fixes.


The type of door you choose factors into your utility bill more than you might be aware of. Wooden doors, for instance, look aesthetically pleasing but may not have the insulation required to keep your home warm. Fiberglass doors will help in this regard, but some prefer wood. A good alternative is to keep the wooden door, and then mount a fiberglass storm door. Some of these externally mounted doors have screen openings, where you can enjoy visibility and the breeze without exposing the wood.

HVAC Maintenance

How well you maintain your AC unit will determine its efficiency in heating or cooling your home. If you have a wall-mounted unit, take a minute to remove the front cover and brush the coils free of dust and debris. If you have a central system with many ducts, try replacing the air filter. This filter is meant to keep out particulates, but too much buildup can kill the efficiency of your system.

Final Thoughts

In addition to the above, you should consider caulking up cracks in the doors and walls to prevent drafts. When it gets cold, walk your home and feel for cool air in a room. Look for the source of this leak, then apply a small strip of caulking to cover the breach. The end result is a simple and cheap repair, and it adds up. Close enough of these tiny holes, and you’ll have closed off the surface area of a door or a window.

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